May 25

Alexandria Egypt’s Jewel on the coast


Alexandria is the most famous place in Egypt because it has the a lot of  Roman history.It has also 2 to 3 water sources. It has three famous places that are really fun to go there.


Alexandria was conquered by Alexander the Great from Rome in 331 BC. Later Rome controlled all of Egypt starting in 30 BC. There is a lot of history in Egypt that had to do with Alexandria.

The Nile river flows beside Alexandria. This area of the Nile is called the “Delta.” the Mediterranean sea is a border to the North. The water from the Mediterranean sea flows on to the Atlantic Ocean. Because of the current on the water, and because it is on the North coast, Alexandria is the coldest city in Egypt.

Famous places

Three of the famous places at Alexandria are Alexandria’s Library that was completed by Pidemy who sent invitations asking for contributions of books. The second famous place is the Montaza Palace that has extensive gardens and it sits on 15 acres on a low plateau. The Montaza Palace is famous because it was one of the palaces that was built by Khedive Abbas ll in 1892. The last famous place is the Lighthouse that could be seen 35 miles away. It is one of the seven wonders of the world. It was even badly damaged by an earthquake in 956 BC, 1303 BC, 1323 BC but, the lighthouse was gone in 1480 BC.

Alexandria has a lot of things  to do there. It is fun to go there because it is directly on the sea.







Montaza palace =1&fir=mIcY1IW86CrsxM%253A%252CwxglDnjoIv29AM%252C_&usg=__3MCkLG4EEe3H_qCg1Cn-ZKXLmiY%3D&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGnNzZgZnbAhXB1hQKHbAnAPUQ9QEwAnoECAEQQA#imgrc=mIcY1IW86CrsxM:



 Hillyer, V. M. and Huey, E.G. Young People’s Story of Our Heritage Africa and Asia. Chicago, New York: Meredith.1966.


May 15

Spring Concert

May 10, 1:00 P.M our school concert began.

I began with a dance called “You Are Good.” The most challenging part was that I had to do a solo shuffle dance.

Then I tried to do my best when I went to the piano and played my solo songs. I played “Tambourine,” and”Once A Man Was So So Mad.” I was so proud of myself because I didn’t make any mistakes.

The most fun of the concert was when the K-6 grade started singing because we didn’t make any mistakes.

After the concert was done the parents started clapping. Then we ate some cookies.

March 16

The Important Thing



The important thing about a bee is

that it buzzes.

It pollinates flowers.

It hoovers in the air.

It stings like a 100 mosquito in one bite.

It looks like a black-eyed Susan.

But, the important thing about a bee is that it buzzes.

March 15

Free Verse

Kindergarten was as fun as a kangaroo jumping.

First day- happy, sad and shy.

Mom and grandpa drove me to school.

My Egyptian school.

New Beginnings.

No longer shy as a toddler hiding behind mom’s leg.

Bursting with pride, I drew a picture!

End of day 1, exited for tomorrow!

March 13

Sense Poem


Smells like salty salad.

Looks like fresh blue water waving above the shore.

Feels like cold raindrops on my cheek.

Tastes like salt and fish.

Sounds like waves rushing, and seagulls screeching.

Fits like a musical rhythm.

March 9

Limerick Poem

There was an old golfer named Mac

who lived on an elephant’s back

he ate a witch

who flew on a switch

and carried a snack in a sack.


second Limerick:


There was a dancer from France

who liked to skip and prance.

She started to cry

when someone did die,

that is why she liked to dance.

March 2

alliteration A-B-C Book

A-B-C Book


A- After Aliyah’s alligator ate 8 apples it ate 8 more.

B-Before Belly’s belly roared Belly’s belly built full.

C-Crocodiles cock around the chuckle and cope.

D-Drue drew a house after he blew the garden.

E-Elephants eat eagles, eagles eat elves.

F-Friends are faith, friends are friendship.

G-Giraffes are great and good.

H-Hana is the half of my brain and Hanna is the second half.

I-Ice can be made as an igloo.

J-Jake will do jake jumps after he’s done with Just Dance now.

K-Kangaroos can kluck and kick.

L-Lick a lemon and lemon like to lick.

December 7

Homework is Good

                                Homework is Good


I believe homework is a good idea, because homework has positive effects on simple skills including spelling and math. Homework is also a good opportunity to learn from your mistakes.
In my opinion the 10 minute rule is a good way to balance homework time. The 10 minute rule is 10 minute homework per grade. For example, a fifth grader would have homework for 50 minutes, and a fourth grader would have 40 minutes of homework. The Ten minute homework is just to reflex your mind. The Ten minute rule can be fun, like doing puzzles.
In my opinion it gives you time to have an additional challenge to learn more about subjects through games, like (guess up emoji) or even a game called (Brain games).You can test these apps.