March 16

The Important Thing



The important thing about a bee is

that it buzzes.

It pollinates flowers.

It hoovers in the air.

It stings like a 100 mosquito in one bite.

It looks like a black-eyed Susan.

But, the important thing about a bee is that it buzzes.

March 15

Free Verse

Kindergarten was as fun as a kangaroo jumping.

First day- happy, sad and shy.

Mom and grandpa drove me to school.

My Egyptian school.

New Beginnings.

No longer shy as a toddler hiding behind mom’s leg.

Bursting with pride, I drew a picture!

End of day 1, exited for tomorrow!

March 13

Sense Poem


Smells like salty salad.

Looks like fresh blue water waving above the shore.

Feels like cold raindrops on my cheek.

Tastes like salt and fish.

Sounds like waves rushing, and seagulls screeching.

Fits like a musical rhythm.

March 9

Limerick Poem

There was an old golfer named Mac

who lived on an elephant’s back

he ate a witch

who flew on a switch

and carried a snack in a sack.


second Limerick:


There was a dancer from France

who liked to skip and prance.

She started to cry

when someone did die,

that is why she liked to dance.

March 2

alliteration A-B-C Book

A-B-C Book


A- After Aliyah’s alligator ate 8 apples it ate 8 more.

B-Before Belly’s belly roared Belly’s belly built full.

C-Crocodiles cock around the chuckle and cope.

D-Drue drew a house after he blew the garden.

E-Elephants eat eagles, eagles eat elves.

F-Friends are faith, friends are friendship.

G-Giraffes are great and good.

H-Hana is the half of my brain and Hanna is the second half.

I-Ice can be made as an igloo.

J-Jake will do jake jumps after he’s done with Just Dance now.

K-Kangaroos can kluck and kick.

L-Lick a lemon and lemon like to lick.